Troubleshooting Login Issues
Caps Lock is On
Caps Lock is On

Your password is case sensitive. To make sure you are entering yours correctly, turn off your Caps Lock.

You Recently Changed Your Username
You Recently Changed Your Username

Be sure to use your most recently entered username. If you are unable to remember it, click on Forgot Username or Password and enter your email address.

Your Browser is Unsupported
Your Browser is Unsupported

To use MyGrants, you must have one of the browser versions listed below. If you are not using one of these, download and install it by clicking on the appropriate link.

You Requested But Haven’t Received a "Forgot username or password" Email
You Requested But Haven’t Received a "Forgot username or password" Email
  • Check your junk or spam folder.
  • Did you change your e-mail address? If you no longer use the e-mail address associated with your MyGrants fund, you must contact Donor Services at 212-686-0010 x353 or via email during regular business hours for help restoring online access to your fund.

You’ve Forgotten Your Username
You’ve Forgotten Your Username

Use our Forgot Username or Password feature to have your username sent to the email address associated with your MyGrants fund.

  • On the Login screen, click “Forgot Username or password”.
  • On the Forgot username or password screen, enter the email address associated with your fund.
  • Click on “Forgot Username”.
  • An email will be sent to you with the most recent username on record for your fund.
  • Once you have the Username, you may log on in a normal way (as a “Returning User”).
  • If you do not receive an email message with your username and you have checked your junk or spam folder, please contact Donor Services at 212-686-0010 x353 or via email during regular business hours for further assistance.

You’ve Forgotten Your Password
You’ve Forgotten Your Password

You can use our Forgot Username or Password feature to obtain your password.

  • On the Login screen, click “Forgot Username or password”.
  • On the Forgot username or password screen, enter your email address OR the username (not both) associated with your fund.
  • Click on “Forgot Password”.
  • An email containing a login link will be sent to the email address on record for your fund. Note: When you log on using the login link, you will be prompted to change your password. You can then log on as a “Returning User”.
  • Once you have the Username, you may log on in a normal way (as a “Returning User”).
  • If you do not receive the email and you have checked your junk or spam folder, please contact Donor Services at 212-686-0010 x353 or via email during regular business hours for further assistance.

You Want to Change Your Username or Password
You Want to Change Your Username or Password

Log on to MyGrants and click on the Your Information/Your Login Information. Make the changes you want in the Login Information section and click Save Changes. Don’t forget to use the new username or password the next time you log on.

Still Having Trouble Logging On?
You Want to Change Your Username or Password

Contact Donor Services during regular business hours by phone at 212-686-0010 x353 or via email. Please be prepared to provide any error messages to assist with troubleshooting.